Dr. Karen N. Vertti is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) practicing in California and Florida. She specializes in working with clients who have experienced incarceration, those navigating life as part of the LGBTQIA+ community, and parents working to heal from the complex trauma of being separated from their children. Dr. Karen supports clients as they process their personal journeys, rebuild self-worth, and release feelings of shame and remorse.
Drawing from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dr. Karen helps clients understand the connection between their thoughts, feelings, and actions. She works collaboratively to guide clients in identifying and changing harmful thought patterns, fostering greater self-compassion and confidence. For clients healing from trauma, Dr. Karen incorporates grounding techniques, storytelling, mindfulness exercises, and relaxation strategies to support emotional regulation. By engaging the brain’s natural healing processes, clients are empowered to leave painful memories in the past and embrace a more present and peaceful life.
Dr. Karen’s therapeutic style is warm, active, and compassionate. Her approach creates a safe, affirming, and nonjudgmental space where clients can be vulnerable, explore their experiences, and gain deeper self-understanding. She believes mental health should always be a priority and strives to provide high-quality, personalized care that supports clients in building resilience and transforming adversity into growth.
If you’re ready to take the next step in your healing journey, Dr. Karen is here to help. Reach out today.