Cub Larkin is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (FL, MA), a Licensed Professional Counselor (OR) and a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (IL). Cub specializes in working with clients who identify as LGBTQIA+ and would like to grow their mental health. Many of Cub’s clients seek therapy to help them overcome trauma, process through their personal journeys, increase self-worth, and feel less shame in their lives. Cub also enjoys working with clients who have interest in kink, BDSM, dominant/submissive relationships, and those who have polyamorous or consensual non-monogamous relationships. By creating a safe, affirming atmosphere in each session, Cub provides clients with a space to be vulnerable and learn more about themselves.
Cub’s approach to therapy draws from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy. Clients learn about the deep connection between thoughts, feelings, and actions, and how their thoughts can impact the ways that they view themselves. Cub teaches clients how to change their thought patterns to avoid harmful cognitive distortions that can lead to low self-esteem. For clients who have previously experienced trauma, Cub provides them with grounding skills that can be helpful in emotion regulation. Clients then use their brain’s natural processes to place their painful memories in the past, allowing them to live more in the present without anxiety attacks, flashbacks, or other interruptions.
Cub’s therapeutic style is warm, active, and non judgmental. Cub believes that everyone deserves to prioritize their mental health, and strives to offer high quality therapeutic services to clients of all identities so that they can shift their mindset in a positive direction.
Cub is a Certified Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, a Certified EMDR (Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) Therapist, as well as a Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor.
If this is a mental health emergency, please contact 911, your local emergency services, or go to the closest hospital/ER. Below is provided as additional resources:
The Suicide and Crisis Hotline at 988.
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at: or (800) 273-8255
The Trevor Project (LGBTQAI+) at: or (866) 488-7386.
Crisis Text Line at: or text HOME to 741741.